HeartCharge: Your Story...Your Way

Embrace Your Unique Shine with
Human Design

Welcome to a journey that puts your story at the heart of it all.   The missing piece, the nagging yearning of who you are, is illuminated by your Human Design Blueprint. 

Introducing the HeartCharge SEEE Method©

Meet the HeartCharge SEEE Method©. This holistic approach serves as your guide, leading you to shift, experiment, embody, and have a little fun on the journey to your truest self.


Making the invisible...visible with your human Design Chart starts the Shift to SEE Yourself.


Take baby steps to try new ways. Experiment with fresh approaches to test out new ways of being you.


Shift from learning to doing, then living it, as you embody self-changing practices that support your journey.


And now the best part. Living the peace, satisfaction, and success that is truly yours to EN-JOY.


Human Design Foundation Unpacks

Discover Your Energy Map

Unpack your Human Design Chart in a 60-minute session, with a 60-minute follow-up to create your plan for aligned action.

The Story of You

Unlock Deeper Insights

A 6-week 1-on-1 program that explores your story through the lens of your Human Design Chart, the impact of conditioning, and rewriting your story.

The Practice of Being You

Anchor Your Self

A 3- 6 month personalized program. Cultivate self-acceptance, self-support, and self-trust, crafting a profound bond with your truest self.



Maybe you want to go a little deeper with Coaching or Consulting or both. This is for you. Three session minimum custom designed.

Ready to Being Your Journey of Self-Discovery