Get Ready to Unleash the Awesome in You

Dive into the You-ness of You:
A Strategy for Life, Career, or Business

At HeartCharge Studio, we guide you to see yourself as never before, providing you with the unique tools and strategy to navigate your life, career, and business. This isn’t about conforming to someone else’s mold; it’s about discovering and unlocking your inherent potential, aligning your Heart, Smarts, and Energy with the transformative insights of HeartCharge and Human Design.

With a mix of empathy, strategy, and a dash of fun, we’re excited to help you unlock your potential and succeed on your terms.

We believe

Tapping into your Heart, Smarts, and Energy creates a life that honors your best self.

When your Authentic-Self aligns with your actions, you’ve hit life’s jackpot.

Words have power. They are the tools that keep you stuck or empower you.

We Teach

Embracing and living as your Authentic-Self forms the core of a fulfilling life.

You can’t rewire what you can’t see.

Making decisions that are correct for you is like unlocking a door, leading to peace, satisfaction, and success.

We stand for

YOU, Your Voice, and Your Creativity. In this judgy world, it takes courage to be You.

The wisdom and empowerment of your Heart, Smarts, and Energy.

The shift to well-being as a key indicator of an abundant and successful life.



Honor the Brilliance of Every Person. Encourage Building your Business and Your Brand...Your Way.

Pragmatic Optimisim

Acknowledge the Challenges to Find the Upside. Be Open to All Possibilities. Trigger Smiles Instead of Frowns.


Sharing Expands Opportunities for All. Cultivate Trusting Relationships and Create Value for the Other Person.

Do No Harm

Create Curves Versus Sharp Edges. Temper Words and Actions Towards Ourselves, Others, and the Planet.


Be Open and Embracing of All Possibilities. Tap Into Heart Wisdom to Access New Understanding.

Looking for the Missing Piece?

Meet the team

Debbie Josendale

Founder, HeartCharge Inner-Business Strategist & Human Design Specialist

I’m a former award-winning executive who left corporate America to explore the world of entrepreneurship. In my own journey and consulting with other small business owners, I became frustrated with how hard it was for entrepreneurs to create a sustainable and joyful business.

I began to wonder, “What if this is not about Strategy, but it’s about aligned Energy?”

I certified as a Gallup Strengths Coach because I could see a positive energy correlation between positioning your business to align with your natural strengths.

Turns out that was just the tip of the iceberg, and I still had many unanswered questions around “What if it’s about getting your energy aligned”?

Enter Human Design. Bingo… like a light bulb, the answer to my question literally appeared before my eyes.

Human Design gives you a picture, a roadmap of your energetic, actionable blueprint that empowers you to finally SEE your authentic self.  

Although I am certified as a Human Design Specialist, I consider myself a lifelong student of Human Design plus its contemplation partner, The Gene Keys. I bring a combination of Human Design, The Gene Keys, HeartMath, and Gallup Strengths into my Coaching and Consulting work.

Thanks for stopping by. If you have any questions or want to connect, please reach out.

Chief Officer of Happiness & Play

Patti Lynn Josendale


Other Team Members

It Takes a Village

In addition to collaborating with a select group of experts, I use these tools daily to maximize productivity and make my life easier.

  • Jasper is my best brainstorming buddy to spark content creation and copywriting ideas. We meet to have coffee every morning:)
  • Canva – I think better when I can “see” my ideas in the context of design or visual messaging. Canva has thousands of ready-made templates. It’s a snap to bring my ideas to life.
  • Word Hippo – Words have power. That’s why Word Hippo is my go-to. It gives me many creative options to find the right word in one click.
  • FocusMate – If you work from home or alone – this is a game changer. You can schedule virtual co-working sessions 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Shift from scrolling to getting stuff done.