HeartCharge with Human Design

Human Design Quick Start Guide

In this Article

Here’s your free Quick Start Human Design Guide to discover your foundation recipe for making the next chapter the best chapter of your life. Human Design is an incredible tool that gives you the scoop on YOU.

It provides insights into questions like:

  • What is my Purpose?
  • What am I here to communicate and share?
  • What motivates me?
  • “What grounds me?”
  • Am I intuitive?
  • How do I find fulfillment in my career?
  • How do I influence others and how am I influenced by others?

And while it’s fascinating to get this kind of insight into yourself, the words you always hear after getting the answers to these questions is: “But the key to this being activated is always based on using your strategy and authority.”

Human Design starts and ends with the foundational elements

So, while you may have some exciting revelations about your authentic self as you unpack your Human Design Chart, it always comes back to the foundational elements. And that’s what this quick-start guide is all about. The three foundational elements are: (1) Energy Type, (2) Strategy and (3) Authority.

As you read through this Quick Start Guide, remember that a principle of Human Design is to experiment with the information. Or, in keeping with our recipe analogy, do a taste test. As you start working with this information, you will immediately sense things that ring true or taste good and other things that might be more of a “hmmmm” or taste slightly bland.

Ingedient #1: Human Design Energy Types 

OK, first up is Ingredient #1 – your Energy Type. Your energy type is like the signature flavor in a culinary masterpiece. It’s a distinct vibe others sense in your presence that shapes how you interact with the world. It helps you maximize your unique potential and cook up success with intention and purpose.

There are 5 Energy Types in Human Design: Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, and Reflector. Grab your chart, find your type, and read on to learn more.

  • Manifestor: Your energy ingredient ignites action. You have an innate drive to act and create and have control over your own choices. It’s like a spark, causing action wherever you go. You break new ground and inspire others through your individualistic approach and the actions you take.
  • Generator: Your energy ingredient is the sought-after reservoir of life-force energy. Think Energizer Bunny. You are a builder, a doer. You’re naturally inclined to engage, build, and bring projects or tasks to fruition, especially those that spark satisfaction in your heart.
  • Manifesting Generator: You have the best of two energy ingredients – you have the energy to start things like a Manifestor and the stamina and life-force energy to finish them like a Generator. You can multitask and move fast and efficiently with bursts of energy and impact.
  • Projector: Your energy ingredient is the opposite of brute force or unbridled energy. It’s about insight. You have this uncanny ability to see systems, people, and dynamics in a nuanced way. You are here to use that insight to guide and help others learn to use their energy to bring out the best in them.
  • Reflector: Your energy ingredient is very rare, with only 1% of the population having your unique ingredient. You are a keen observer and are here to act as a mirror to others. You can see and sense what others might miss and are often very attuned to people and energy around you.

Ingredient #2: Human Design Strategy 

Now let’s turn our attention to Ingredient #2: Your Strategy. Your Strategy is your own personal guide that helps you move your life in the right direction. It shows you the path of least resistance to get where you want to go. It’s a unique ingredient that helps you work with your energy flow to reduce drama, conflict, and the monkey mind…to name a few. Following your strategy creates more satisfaction, peace, and success. Sounds pretty yummy, doesn’t it?

But here’s the head-scratcher on this ingredient…all Strategies start with a “pause” before taking action. Yes, you read that right…pause before taking action. This ingredient can feel like the most difficult to consume because we have all been taught the Nike slogan “Just DO IT” is the way to get ahead and create success.

Find your Strategy and read on to learn more.

Manifestor: To Inform Before Taking Action.
This strategy ingredient is exclusive to Manifestors. The first step in your decision-making process is to inform. Wait…what? Yes, it’s important that you take a minute and let others know what you are doing before taking action. Because you have the ability to move quickly, keeping others informed leads to fewer misunderstandings and reduces unnecessary drama in your life. Yum…less drama!

Generator: Wait to Respond.
This Strategy Ingredient is exclusive to Generators. Because of your enveloping aura, you’re an attraction magnet. All kinds of people, opportunities, projects, etc. will cross your path, tantalizing you to use your valuable energy asset to get the job done. The ingredient of “Wait to Respond” helps you make decisions that taste sweet and light you up, versus jumping into something that leaves you overworked and frustrated, with a sour aftertaste.

Manifesting Generator: Wait to Respond & Inform
OK, Manifesting Generator, your Authority ingredient is a little more complicated…think Julia Child Chocolate Souffle. Because you embody both the Manifestor and Generator energy, you have a two-ingredient process. You always begin with the Generator Strategy ingredient of Wait to Respond. And if the action you are going to take will impact others, then you add the Manifestor Strategy ingredient “To Inform.” Being mindful of both of these ingredients will keep that chocolate souffle fluffy and scrumptious versus losing its air and collapsing.

Projector: Wait to Be Invited
This strategy Ingredient is exclusive to Projectors. You’ve got a knack for seeing what people need. But the key to sharing your advice or wisdom is to “wait for the invitation or to be recognized” before jumping in. If you start offering your two cents without being asked, you will probably be met with resistance, or, even worse, the other person(s) will not even hear you resulting in a bitter taste. Yuk.

Reflector: Wait for a Lunar Cycle
This Strategy Ingredient is exclusive to Reflectors. Yikes…this might feel very unwieldy with respect to the pace of our world today. But take a breath because this only applies to BIG decisions. Your energy is affected by the Moon. It helps to wait for a lunar cycle because you will have cycled and sampled through many different energies. You will know what is right for you with that big decision because it tastes delightful. And for the smaller everyday decisions, lean into knowing what is right for you because you do.

Ingredient #3: Human Design Authority

Next up is my personal favorite, what I call your Best Friend Forever (BFF) – Your Authority. It’s that special ingredient that supports you with unwavering trust to make choices that nourish and support your best life.

I’m super excited to share this ingredient with you because it had such a big impact on improving my life. And I hope it does the same for you.

Every time you make an important decision, you’re impacting your life to some degree. It’s easy to get tangled in the maze of options and opinions. Adding this ingredient to your recipe of Energy Type + Strategy + Your Authority is your secret sauce. Your Authority brings balance and deeper insight, cutting through external distractions and guiding you to your inner wisdom. It acts as your ally, helping you to make choices that resonate with your core.

Now, just scroll to the section below that matches with your Authority to learn how to mix up your secret sauce.

Sacral Authority
You are designed to trust yourself and make decisions spontaneously. The ingredient is your gut response, often heard in an audible “uh huh” or “nuh uh.” When presented with something to respond to, ask yourself, “Does this light me up?” And then follow your gut response of “uh huh” (yes) or “uh uh” (no).

Emotional Authority
This ingredient is all about giving yourself time to make decisions. It’s important to ride your emotional wave through the ups and downs to a place of neutrality. Check-in to see if you feel peace, satisfaction, or success with your decision, irrespective of whether it’s yes or no. When you do, that’s your alignment signal.

This ingredient is subtle and reacts in the moment. It whispers, and only once, to give a quick, gut-level knowing sense of instant clarity. Tune into your inner voice and your inner knowingness to get guidance on if the decision feels right.

Self-Projected Authority
This ingredient stands alone because you are your own authority, meaning you know your truth. The best way to access this ingredient is to soundboard and talk through your decisions with others or record your thoughts and play them back. Your truth is found in your tone and the flow or stuttering of your words.

This ingredient is rare. You gain clarity by speaking and focusing on personal goals and material gains. And then checking in to see if a decision is aligned with your available resources, sustainability, and integrity.

This ingredient is rare. You gain clarity by observing the world around you. You observe others’ opinions, experiences, perspectives, and ideas, and then filter through them through your own perspective. When you arrive at an intuitive knowing of “this just makes sense to me,” that’s your sign of clarity.

This ingredient can only be mixed with the Reflector Energy Type and Strategy. Reflectors are deeply connected to the Lunar cycle, so it’s helpful to process important decisions through a lunar cycle of 29 days. This lets you sample different energies and reflect on your experiences and the changing environment around you to arrive at clarity.

Next Step: Play with Your Human Design Recipe

Combine your Energy Type + Your Strategy + Your Authority and play with the ingredients. See if you can notice when things taste yummy or are a bit sour. Contem-PLATE how you got to that taste. See if you can discover how your energy and strategy were mixed to create it.

OK, congratulations you crossed the finish line of this Quick Start Guide. I encourage you to write out your unique Recipe for Success by writing out Your Energy Type + Your Strategy + Your Authority. Turn this into your screensaver or post it on your bathroom mirror. Use it as a reminder to play with your energy and reflect on things that go well and those that are not so great.

Bonus: Quick Hack to Know if You’re On Track or Off

I hope you’ve been playing with your HD Success recipe, stirring up potential and possibility. Bonus tip #4 gives you instant clarity on whether you’re in harmony with your unique path to success.

By now, you’re familiar with your Energy Type, so just zip down to your specific section. There you will find a succinct two-word guide. Check in with these two words to get instant insight into whether you’re aligned with your pathway to success. It’s as easy as that.

Manifestor: Anger/Peace
Against-Self Theme: Anger
Ally Theme: Peace
You feel peace because you are moving with ease, flow, and the path of least resistance.

Generator: Frustration/Satisfaction
Against-Self Theme: Frustration
Signature Ally Theme: Satisfaction
You feel satisfied because you have spent your energy well.

Manifesting Generator: Frustration and/or Anger/Satisfaction and/or Peace
Against-Self Theme: Frustration and/or Anger
Signature Ally Theme: Satisfaction
You feel satisfied because you have spent your energy well. If others are impacted by your actions, you feel peace because you’re moving with ease, flow, and the path of least resistance.

Projector: Bitterness/Success
Against-Self Theme: Bitterness & Depletion
Signature Ally Theme: Success
You feel successful because you are recognized for and invited to use your gifts.

Reflector: Disappointment/Surprise
Against-Self Theme: Disappointment
Signature Ally Theme: Surprise
You’re on the right track when life continues to excite and surprise you, and you find awe even in the simplest things.

Alright, you’ve got the scoop on your Human Design—your ultimate fast track to midlife magic. This isn’t just about surviving the next chapter; it’s about thriving and making it the best one yet. With your Energy Type, Strategy, and Authority, you have everything you need to create a life filled with purpose, joy, and enduring meaning. This is your opportunity to shine brighter, to step into your true self, and to rewrite your story – one that celebrates your unique journey. 

Midlife is your chance to rewrite the rules, to innovate and inspire. Lean into your unique strengths, experiment boldly, and let your distinct recipe for success guide you to a chapter that’s dynamic and fulfilling. The best is yet to come, and it’s yours to create!

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