Human Design
Your Permission
Slip to…

be YOU

Ready to Make the Next Chapter the Best Chapter?

 It’s time to break the rules and tap into your midlife wisdom.

Get Your Free Personalized
Human Design Report Now

The Wisdom Map 
Reignite Your Spark for Loving Your Journey

What's In the Report

  • Your Human Design Chart
  • Wisdom Map
  • Journal Prompts
  • Life Changing AHAAS
  • Clarity and Confidence 

Get Your Report Here

Frequently Asked Questions

Human Design is a blend of ancient and modern sciences.  Based on your birth information, it integrates information about your energetic essence from Astrology, the iChing, the Chakra System, and the Kabbalah; and mixes that with Quantum Physics. A little woo-woo I know.  

Your Human Design chart is a personalized map or blueprint that captures the unique energy you bring into the world. In making the invisible nature of your energetic self visible, your chart acts like a Magical Mirror reflecting the unique qualities of your inner self and making them clear and understandable. Your chart paints a picture of how you’re meant to interact with the world, make decisions, and handle life’s ups and downs. It’s all about discovering who you really are and using that knowledge to live a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Learn how you influence others and how their vibe influences you.
Turn decision-making into your greatest Ally to create a life that deeply resonates with you.
Remove resistance and drama by discovering your sweet spot of outer-inner harmony.
Feeling burnt to a crisp? Learn how to shift from just-do-it hustle to honoring the value of rest and renewal.
Break free of the sticky-icky layers of your should, could, and must conditioning to find YOU.
Gain clarity and confidence in your ability to manifest and lead your best life.

Step into leading yourself on the journey of your life

With HeartCharge Studio Coaching Services