Midlife Magic: How Human Design Can Guide Your Journey

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Have you arrived at Midlife only to feel like something is missing? It’s a gnawing feeling that something is off. Doing the “right things” just doesn’t feel good or energetic anymore. Maybe you’ve achieved your goals only to feel frustrated, agitated, or even a bit bitter. And you wonder what’s wrong with me, or is THIS all there is? I should be happy.

We’ve all heard of the midlife crisis – a time when you’re buried under years of shoulds, coulds, shame, supposed-to, and family and societal expectations. It’s what happens because we play by the rules for the first half of life.

So, how do you move forward to make the next chapter the best chapter when most narratives tell a story of midlife doom and gloom?

Enter Chip Conley and his bestselling book “Learning to Love Midlife,” Chip challenges the negative narrative. Instead, he offers Midlife as a time filled with potential for self-discovery, growth, and opportunity. This is a call to action, a chance to embrace a new energy and mindset.

Your  Picture of Your Midlife Possibilities

But it’s hard to see yourself and the so-called “opportunity” when you’re covered under the muck and dust and can’t see your own shine. And that’s why I love Human Design.

Your Human Design Chart acts like a roadmap, helping you see through the layers of shoulds, coulds, and mistakes, revealing your amazing and authentic self. It’s like having a GPS guiding you from point A to B without the detours and wrong turns.

Human Design mixes the elements of

  • Astrology
  • the I Ching
  • the Kabbalah
  • Chakra Theory
  • Quantum Physics

You put all that in a jar and shake it up with your birth time, date, and place to get a picture of your one-of-a-kind authentic recipe, your map to a fulfilling life.

Sounds woo-woo, I know. And well, it is woo-woo. But the jaw-dropping scoop it reveals about your life makes you sit up and take notice. The best part is that it provides an “instruction manual” of sorts to help you navigate the layers of dust and yuk that no longer serve you to access your innate truth. This opens the door to the opportunity – a mindset shift to midlife magic.

Human Design: Your Recipe for Midlife Success

Human Design gives you what I like to call your recipe for success. While there are literally hundreds of ingredients available to create your unique chart, three key ingredients are foundational to everything you do. If you practice living from these three ingredients, everything else in your life will fall into place. And the rest of your Human Design ingredients are like the frosting on the cake.

So, it’s a quick-start hack to your midlife magic journey.

The three foundational Human Design ingredients are:

♦Your Energy Type: Think of it as your energetic signature, your unique way of moving through the world. How you’re designed to interact and exchange energy with the world around you.

♦Your Strategy: This is your personal playbook, a guide to navigating life’s decisions and situations to find and support the path of your authenticity.

♦Your Inner Authority: It’s like your inner compass, helping you make choices that honor your true self.

These three elements hold the energy to shift your life from reactive to intentional, from following to leading yourself to your best life. Knowing your energy type, strategy, and inner authority gives you the confidence to make decisions anchored in a combination of your values and the honoring of your truth. It also empowers you to create meaningful connections with others and live a life filled with a deep knowing of what is right for you.

Human Design Was Born From a Midlife Crisis

Interestingly, Human Design was born from the personal journey of Ra Uru Hu. Like many of us, he was on his own midlife quest. His search for something more led to a profound experience, resulting in the creation of the Human Design Framework. His journey became the foundation for a powerful tool to help others discover their unique blueprint for living. It literally changed his world and continues to transform the lives of everyone who comes into contact with Human Design, offering powerful insights and guidance for a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Midlife Magic: The Journey Starts Now

Embracing Midlife with the insights of your Human Design lets you peel away the layers of dust and muck that have built up through living your life. It’s an invitation to break free from old patterns and create a life that energizes and inspires you.

Midlife is a courageous pivot where you choose to step fully into who you are meant to be. It’s the moment when you embrace your true self with vulnerability and strength. This is where you own your story and write the next chapter with intention and authenticity. This is Midlife Magic.




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